1. Excess drainage and recharge. You should only depletion of the laptop battery once a month. However, there are times when we forget that we are using a laptop and not a desktop computer. We left the laptop on for even 24 hours online, or leave it to shutdown. This is a bad practice, taking into account that you can still depreciate. Any object fades in time and the batteries are no exception to this.
2. increasing energy. Sometimes, our laptops plug directly into AC without even removing the battery. This can sometimes be dangerous because the AC means alternating current. You can not tell if there is a sudden increase in voltage. Laptop batteries can only absorb certain levels of voltages. If you leave the laptop with the battery and connected to AC power pa-1900-02d, and if a power surge that could damage the battery, reducing its useful life.
3. Raspberry ants. Yes, there are insects that love consumer electronics. Raspberry ant is an example. She loves being behind the light switches, a hot spot, and electronic devices. These ants can go inside the power supply in your laptop and your hardware. You can put the dust and even their own dead bodies in the electronic parts like the motherboard. Sometimes you can attack the battery. If this happens, then your only option is to buy a new battery or a new unit.
4. The excess of connecting devices to your laptop. Laptops can only supply a maximum power level of devices you can attach to it. Generally, those who consume the energy of the laptop are external devices such as external drives, mice, printers, and refrigerators. Of these, refrigerators are more damaging, as they require more energy than other devices. The battery will deteriorate rapidly if you use it often.